You’ve heard the sayings, “Never give up great things take time”, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”, “When one door closes another door opens” … the list goes on and on. But they are all true! All of these inspirational quotes are exactly right, they share a purpose to inspire us to keep trying. To learn from our experiences, and to grow. I think when people see a highlight reel of our lives or see success, they don’t take in consideration all we’ve been through to get to that happiness, or accomplish that goal. They assume its luck. Sometimes I wish we could visually see all the work done behind a success story or a trophy. Maybe then, if we knew what all that person put into achieving their goal, we’d respect that person more for their journey more than the prize. Rome wasn’t built in a day was it?
As a mom, I know one of the most valuable lessons I want my boys to learn from my example, is to just “Try” and if at first they don’t succeed, well then pick yourself back up with dignity and try again! We only learn from our failures and life experiences. That I feel is how we grow. This is where our compassion generates from. All those imperfect life experiences that we learned from. In life we learn how to crawl, then walk, then run, it’s a process, and so is chasing our dreams. Whether that be an ideal job, a bucket list vacation, starting first string on your basketball team, or finishing a challenging puzzle. Big or small we all establish goals for ourselves short and long term. Well the same thing goes in pageantry. I’ve lost more than I won. But do people know the 20 years of trying. No. But it didn’t matter to me, I wasn’t giving up. Heck, I lost in trying to get to Mrs. International, and that’s just fine. But I’m not going to let 4 people’s opinion change my life direction. Different day, different judges, different time, different outcome. That’s a reality, and just like that…when one door closes another door opens! I feel during this journey, doors were shut for a REASON. It wasn’t for me. There was something better, something more fitting, something more “me”. Throughout the years I grew as a person. So many things have happened in my personal life; tragedies, self-discoveries, babies, careers growths, so much! I grew from all of them. Making myself and my platform just stronger in the process. Not to mention, me being comfortable with myself and with my platform, making it my purpose. My purpose and Platform grew so much in the process, and so did I. I was more confident through my life experiences and stronger. Timing is everything you know.

I was looking through Paula Preston’s photos online recently, I came across this beautiful photo and it reminded me of this message. Besides my crowning photo with my boys, this is my favorite photo. I will be framing this one. When I look at this photo, I see a beautiful moment with beautiful women, but it’s the TYPE of women that are in this photo that makes it so beautiful to me. Inspiring Women. Strong Women. Godly Women. Purposed driven Women. That’s the type of women the International Pageants attracts, and THAT is why I’m so proud to represent them. You see all of us have a mission, a purpose, and a passion that we feel so strongly about. And if we feel so strongly about our passion and it is truly our dream, why would you give up? Why would you let someone else’s opinion change your destiny, your goal, your dream? I wouldn’t. Matter of fact, I didn’t. That’s why I strongly encourage you to … NEVER GIVE UP!

I want to say Kuddos to the contestants of the Class of 2018 that have already signed up and those regional contestants that are living this by example, you make my boys and I proud!
Turning Broken Into Brave,
Melissa Pocza
Your Mrs. International 2017
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