Best Ever You

After becoming Mrs. Illinois International, I was thrilled to spend an hour being interviewed on the, “Best Ever You,” show. Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is the founder and CEO of the site, magazine and show of the same name. She is always in the midst of interviewing someone to help readers and listeners become our best selves.

Mom, CEO and author, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino.

Elizabeth just finished an inspirational new book titled, “Percolate,” to help uncover your best self and thrive. I am not sure where she finds the time in her day to get it all done! She is one of those who is naturally warm and inviting to talk with as if in-person over a cup of coffee. And her readers and listeners come from all around the world. I am told her radio show alone attracts as many as one hundred thousand listeners!

Now, as Mrs. International, I was asked to answer several questions to be published on her site and in her magazine. What a terrific opportunity to be able to promote International and CASA! So here is that interview:

Thank you to Elizabeth and “Best Ever You,” for being so encouraging of others to discover out best selves! May your new book be a best seller!

Be the change!

Amy Gregorio
Your Mrs. International


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