Don't Let Money Be the Reason You Don't Compete!

This is one of the most common reasons women give for not wanting to compete in a pageant. I'm here to tell you that there are plenty of creative ways to solve this problem.

Start by making a list of everything that may dip into your finances this year if you held a local or state title. I suggest doing this on an excel spreadsheet to make it easily editable.

To get you started:

*Wardrobe: all aspects of your wardrobe for appearances and nationals-- including alterations and accessories
*Gas...or other modes of transportation
*Hair: cut, style, coloring
*Nails: manicure and pedicure
*Printed materials: national paperwork, business cards, and autograph cards
*Unexpected fees: example- baggage fees if you are flying

Then, mark next to each item whether you will be paying out of your own pocket, if someone is sponsoring you a service, or if you can borrow wardrobe from a friend.

If you know your needs early, you can ask for gift cards (maybe to gas stations) for Christmas or your birthday this year. This is a good example of how early preparation will be beneficial!

Also, you have plenty of time to ask local salons to be your sponsor for hair or nails throughout the year, or maybe even just before nationals.

Then think about other things you spend your money on and get creative! 

*Would your gym be willing to sponsor you a membership?
*Would your car dealership sponsor your oil changes for the year if you drive to appearances?
*Would a local boutique let you borrow dresses for your appearances or interviews during the year?

As a titleholder, many people and businesses will be willing to support you with discounted or free services on things you'd be spending your money on anyway!

Remember: if you don't ask, the answer will always be no. Be willing to ask for help and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the assistance you receive.

In health and happiness,

Miss International 2017


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