Safe Travels

I absolutely love traveling, especially through airports. One of the many great things about being Miss Teen International is that it gives you this opportunity. Whether you’re flying alone for the first time (I had never traveled alone before winning the title), or you are a seasoned traveler, It’s so important to be extra cautious when traveling alone as a teenage girl to insure your safety.

Here are some must know tips to be prepared when traveling alone:

1. Give your family your contact info, flight info, and itinerary. This will give you and your parents peace of mind.

2. Stay connected. Have people you trust on speed dial in case you feel unsafe or need reassurance. I regularly check in with my parents when I arrive at my gate, get seated on the plane, and land at the next airport, etc. I must admit, this is more for my mom’s peace of mind than my own, but it does make me feel safe knowing that we are in touch all throughout my trip.

3. When you’re a teenager, you’re usually not considered an unaccompanied minor but you should still let the flight attendant on your plane know that you are under 18 and flying alone. They will check on you and make sure that everything is going okay.

4. Dress appropriately. Yes, I know we want to look cute and fashionable, but make sure that you dress in such a way that you don’t get negative attention.

5. Make sure that you have all the appropriate identification for your flight and make sure to have your passport, ID, boarding pass etc. ready so you don’t keep any airport attendants waiting.

6. Keep your wits about you. Venturing into unknown territory is one of the thrills of travel, but don’t let yourself get so distracted by sights and sounds that you let your guard down. Of all the travel-alone safety tips, this is the most important. Don’t leave your common sense at home.

7. Just using these simple safety tips, my trips have gone amazingly well, and most of all I have learned that I enjoy traveling by myself, and that, more importantly, I am confident traveling by myself. I never compromise my safety and most importantly, I realized that I could travel on my own.

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible.” – Audrey Hepburn

Jules Fletcher
Miss Teen International 2015


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