Spring Cleaning
The Spring is a wonderful time of year as it often symbolizes a re-birth. Plants and vegetation start to come alive again, and there is the symbolism that the old is gone and the new has arrived! There are many areas in our lives that we can use the this philosophy. I call it “Spring Cleaning”! Here are some suggestions:
1. Spring Clean Your Closet: Every year I do a huge overhaul of my closet. I go through each article of clothing and shoes to decide whether I will actually wear it again, or if I should donate them to someone who will. It is a taxing project as I typically try to justify why I should keep something purely based on the memories that I made while wearing the outfit! However, I always feel better after donating my clothes knowing that new memories will be made in them from another individual. Cleaning out your closet not only provides you an opportunity to give back, but also allows you to de-clutter.
2. Spring Clean Your Home & Office: Spring is also a great time to make changes to the places you work and live. Organizing is key in helping you stay focused and present. Also, moving furniture around can make you feel like you have a brand new space…creating an environment to spark new ideas!
3. Spring Clean Your Relationships: Are there some relationships you need to work on? Are there people in your life that you would be better off without? Use this time of year to not only clean your material possessions, but also clean out what affects you mentally and emotionally. If you need to ask for forgiveness in order to repair a relationship, find the courage and do it! If you have a friend that is a negative influence, start to put some distance in that relationship. Ultimately cleaning out your personal relationships will help you in other areas of your life too!
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