Above All Else - Guard Your Heart
Working with the American Heart Association has taught me so much...I've learned that making a few, simple, lifestyle changes you can prevent heart disease and stroke. Eating healthy, working out, quitting smoking habits, eating less sugar and salt, lowering your cholesterol and maintaining your blood pressure- All ways to maintain a healthy heart.
But what about your stress?
Did you know that 90-95% of all illnesses are due to stress? Even the U.S. Federal Government, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), says on their website that 90 percent of all illness and disease is related to stress.
•Have you ever reacted to someone or to a situation and asked yourself “Why did I just snap, and react like that?” The answer- You're stressed.
•Have you become hardened of heart or unempathetic, to where you're not affected by others feelings or their pain?
•Does it seem easy for you to be rude, or abrasive towards others?
•Does you live in a constant “fight or flight mode?”
•Are you overworked, or not getting enough sleep?
•Maybe you’re dealing with fear or uncertainty about your weight, your looks, maybe your clothes?
• Are you constantly worried, or live in fear due to financial obligations?
•Maybe you've gone through a traumatic event, or just have fear of the “unknown.”
•Have you been severely hurt by someone and harbor feelings of unforgiveness?
Any one of these can cause stress in your life, which ultimately can lead to a heart condition: Hardening of your heart, heartlessness, a broken heart, a lost heart, or worse- Heart disease or stroke.
King Solomon - Was considered to be the wisest man, wrote 3 books in the bible and over 3,000 Proverbs full of wisdom. And he said this, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
What he was saying is this, Most importantly, or more important than anything- Take care of your heart! As in, TOP PRIORITY!! Why? Because it is the source of everything you do!
Your heart is what overflows into thoughts, actions, words, feelings, emotions, stress!
See King Solomon got it, he wrote that because he understood that our hearts are constantly under attack. He was warning us that enemy will use anything, and everything, to attack our hearts because they're extremely valuable!
So how do we heal our hearts?
Feed it. Spend time meditating. I do this by reading the Bible and praying. I focus on the things that I'm thankful for, and that spirit of thankfulness brings joy and the fear disappears. “Put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness “ Isaiah 61:3
Do something that brings you joy. We need to find time for ourselves. Maybe it's getting a massage, a mani-pedi, or hanging out with friends. Take on a hobby like running, horseback riding, adult coloring books, knitting, blogging. The point is to detach from your worries, work, housework and reconnect with your heart.
Spend time with your loved ones, and I mean quality time! Enjoying one another, laughing WITHOUT discussing problems or your stresses at work.
These are all great suggestions, and maybe they'll work well for you. BUT there is no ONE recipe, no ONE way of getting rid of your stress.. The best advice is to pray about it.
Ask the Lord to reveal to you the source of your stress and them give it to Him. He will give you an answer, and He will give you a way to find peace.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
I'm your Mrs International reminding you- TO CHOOSE LOVE,
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