Hi everyone! My name is Georgia Clark, and I am your Miss Teen International 2018! I was born in the small but growing town of Dothan, Alabama on June 1, 2000, at 5:42 pm. My dad carried me out of the delivery room crying, saying I was the most beautiful baby he had ever seen. I was a very energetic and happy child who loved my poodle named Peaches and bolted any chance I got. I was a runner. As it turned out, my energy and sporadic behavior were due to severe ADHD, which I was diagnosed with at the age of 5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs the ability to regulate focus, control impulses, manage frustration and emotions, utilize a working memory. It even affects hearing and the ability to comprehend information we are given/told. I struggled with ADHD throughout my childhood, and it is something I still battle with on a day to day basis. I was a C-D student up until the 3rd grade when I moved to Rehobeth Elementary School. It was the best decision my parents have ever made for me because the following year I was making A’s and B’s.
My Ma and I at a family reunion
I am a huge traveler, and it is something I have always enjoyed! I have been to Paris, London, Puerto Rico, and all over the Eastern side of the US. My all-time favorite vacation spot is New York City; it is the one place on Earth where I feel most at home besides Dothan. My family and I go any chance we get, and I have been to the Big Apple 9 times in my life. Last summer when we visited I made it my mission to go to every apartment Lady Gaga has lived in, and her family’s restaurant on the Upper West Side. It was amazing getting to see the places where my idol grew up and made pop culture history. I also love going to the mountains with my Nana, her husband, Max, and Ma! New Orleans is my favorite city to visit when I am looking for some rich culture. I love the music, history, and the abundant amount of activities to do and sites to see. I hope during my reign as Miss Teen International I can revisit these places so I can spread my platform nationwide!
Me in front of Lady Gaga's Central Park Apartment building in NYC
I played just about any instrument you could think of, ranging from the electric guitar to the piano. I was also very involved with sports such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball while also joining the Dothan Police Explorers in middle school. Because I struggled with ADHD, I could never seem to keep an interest in any of them long enough to excel in them despite the potential I possessed. Most people saw this as me being lazy, but that was never the case, my brain could never find the motivation to continue. Thankfully, when I got to high school and got my ADHD under control, I found something that peaked my interest. I joined my school’s Naval Junior Reserves Officers’ Training Corps (NJROTC) and discovered a passion for it. Over the next three years, I took part in Drill Team, PT, Academics, Leadership Academy, Orienteering, and a range of volunteer work with NJROTC. Also, while I attended Rehobeth High School, I joined the marching band my sophomore year as a majorette, just like my Ma and my Mimi.
Me in my Service Dress for ROTC
Me in my Majorette Uniform for the RHS
I was very active in my schools Key Club as their Historian, as well as being the Historian in the Rehobeth Ambassadors program. My senior year I decided to end the part of my life dedicated to ROTC and Band, so I could put all my efforts towards being Miss Teen Alabama International. Though being in NJROTC is what brought me to my passion for politics and my platform of Young Voter Education, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Doing so brought me here to this moment. I knew that God had something big planned for me, but I never imagined it being this. I graduated with Honors in the top 25% of my class and expect to earn a degree in Political Science from Troy University. I cannot wait to spend this next year as Miss Teen International; it is going to be a blast!
Stay Fiery, Bold and Beautiful!
Georgia Clark
Miss Teen International 2018
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