Hold On To What's Important

“May you have the fortitude and faith to hang on to what’s important when others have let go.”

I recently went to see the movie ‘Miracles From Heaven’. If you have not seen it yet, grab your Kleenex and prepare yourself for a well done portrayal of a true story. I was reminded of two important lessons. First, do not take your life (especially your health) for granted. Our physical and mental health are truly blessings that we tend to overlook when we are not in pain or in crisis. However, things can change in an instant. We all know stories of someone who was perfectly healthy, and then got in an accident that paralyzed them, found out they had a terminal illness, or learned that they had a mental illness. At that point, their life forever changes and they wish they could go back to a simpler time. It is important to remember that our bodies are gifts from God that should be treated with respect. Never take for granted the blessing in having your health.

Secondly, I was reminded that we have to hold on to the people who mean the most to us. In a day where accidents happen and attacks are occurring to innocent people, we never know when someone’s last day could be. Instead of letting that create fear within us, we should use that fact as a gentle nudge to appreciate the family, friends, and special people that you hold dear to your heart. If you are at odds with them, be the bigger person and fix the relationship. If you haven’t seen them in awhile, take some time to grab coffee or lunch. Never be too busy to spend time with the ones you love!

I hope these reminders will give you appreciation for what you have around you!

Continuing to break the stigma,

Elise Banks
Miss International 2015


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