Seeds of Faith

How much time do you spend a day dreaming? Thinking about that special person, that acceptance letter to that University. Maybe it's a dream car, your dream wedding, your dream house, a vacation, or maybe even a crown??

Whether you're a child, a teen, an adult, married, or whether you have a family or not. We ALL dream!

Maybe you're not much of a dreamer, you have a couple dreams or goals...But you're more of a "worrier." You spend more time worrying about a situation or a problem at work, maybe a problem in your marriage, or with your kids, or maybe with your finances?

Or perhaps you're both!? Maybe you have both dreams, goals AND you have problems and concerns.

Regardless, all of us have some of these, or at least one of these occupying space in our minds.

We spend all this time thinking of all these dreams, goals, concerns, or problems...BUT how much time do we spend investing towards them? In other words, do you pray about it as much as you think about it??

I've been teaching this to my youth group for the last few months. I had them make "vision boards" and had them start by spending 2 minutes a day praying for their dreams and goals. The reason I do this? IT WORKS!!

You can't be a full-time "dreamer" put in part-time prayer, and expect the full "paycheck."

You want results, maybe it's marital problems, trouble with your children, maybe it's trouble with a coworker, or a problem with a "bully?" Whatever the problem, dream, goal or desire may be....I promise you this, prayer is the key, the missing link.

So how do we start? It's easy, write them down.

Next, put your faith to work. Start praying daily, and be consistent. If you miss a day or two it's ok.

Think of it this way, each prayer is a seed you're planting...In order to reap a "harvest" you must water it. Writing it down is the seed. And prayer is you watering it.

Lastly, don't get frustrated when you don't see instant results...Because you need to give time for your faith ("seed") to germinate and grow, in the same way you would your home garden.

I encourage you to try this, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Harvest time is right around the corner!

I'm your Mrs International, reminding you - To choose love,



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