Finding "Your Why"

As tears flowed down his face with dozens of fans passing by, I knew this was one of “My Why” moments of the night.

I have always found the word “appearance” not really a good fit for how I operate as a title holder. Logically it makes sense as we show up, smile, greet, take photos and then on we go. For me though, I like to call them “interaction opportunities” because when going somewhere, it is an opportunity to INVEST in others, and a chance to potentially make a life changing impact from that moment of interaction.

Recently I was able to be a judge for “Best Fan” contest at the Nebraska State Fair on their largest day of attendance. As the people competing for Best Fan put forth their best competitive spirit, we selected our winners and wrapped up. Many photos were taken, autographs signed, but there was on in particular that I will honestly remember for the rest of my life, because it was the last photo that was ever taken of a young man before he passed. What if you were in a photo with someone that was the last picture they would ever take? Earlier in the event I saw them and remember they had waited very patiently by the stage until the event was over and every last person had taken their photo with me. They approached very cordially with a “Excuse me miss, may we have the honor of taking a photo with you”. They were so polite and we chatted about how their day was, where they were from and we had a few laughs. As they left, they shared their thank you’s and we all had big grins. Turns out that young man made the picture we took his profile picture and as news went out across Nebraska that this young man had passed away, my heart sunk.

This is why every moment we are alive, in sash and crown especially, make those moments matter and meet every person you can to share your passion and most importantly love.

(picture – Clayton Real – This was the last photo taken of Clayton Real before he passed just a couple days after meeting him)

Attending the Oklahoma Football Game as a featured guest at their tailgate, there were 3 “Why” moments that stood out to me:

1. After speaking to the crowd of 8,000 at the official OU tailgate, a man came over and introduce me to his friend from Costa Rica who just happened to be in town for this game and it is his first OU game ever. He heard me say Soles4Souls and we talked about our work in his country and how we can possibly connect in the future. He shared about his life there, passion for his people and for change in his country.

2. The tailgate was over and the game day escort was prepping for our next stop and in that moment a lady came over to ask me “What is sash and crown business about?”. I shared with her about What the International Pageant System stands for and how I got started with Soles4Souls. She immediately started to tear up because her daughter that she lost 3 years ago to an auto-immune disease actually had a passion for collecting shoes to help others. After her daughter passed, her marriage fell apart and her life took a turn for the worse. As we stood there hugging, I was praying our moment together would inspire hope in her life as she now speaks out on behalf of her daughter.

3. The Oklahoma game was vs Tennessee and if you didn’t already know, Soles4Souls HQ is in Nashville. I sat down to have a drink of water for a moment and a man sat on the couch next to me. Turns out he lives in Nashville and his daughter had a heart for international work. As I shared a bit of my story and what lead up to being Mrs. International and working with Soles4Souls, he began to cry. He asked me “Why are you here”, and as I went in to the explanation of well, I was invited to sign autographs, etc….he again asked me , “No, WHY are you HERE”. I realized at that moment that something I said was resonating with him and was having an impact. I responded for a second time realizing what he was really asking “This is where God wanted me to be today” , as he nodded his head in affirmation with tears streaming. Here we are at a football game with dozens of people walking by and low and behold it seemed as though time stood still for a few minutes.

I do not know what the result of all of these interactions will be, but do know that when I show up somewhere, I SHOW UP. My heart, energy and mind are 100% invested in the interaction opportunities.

I am so excited to see the impact our 2015 International Pageants class will make, enjoy and make the most of your year, find your “Why’s”!

Live what you Love,

Your Mrs. International 2014



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