Crowns & Touchdowns

I am so excited to share Fuel Up to Play 60’s campaign for the fall- For the Love of Play! It is proven that active students are better students. Getting 60 minutes of play a day is fun, easy, and is a great way to stay fit. Some of my friends from the FUPT60 Ambassador Summit as well as some of our favorite NFL players share their love of play in the video below!

I will be sharing my #LoveOfPlay soon to my social media accounts (Instagram: @missteenintl2014 and Twitter: @missteenintl14), so stay tuned! Show me how you play by hashtagging #LoveOfPlay and tagging me in your photos! I will be sharing my favorite post to my social media sites!!

I had a great time discussing this campaign as well as catching up with Student Ambassadors from all over the nation on our conference call this week. We have some AWESOME things coming up that I cannot wait to share about in the upcoming months!

My personal initiative for the year as Miss Teen International with this organization is called Crowns and Touchdowns! I was recently featured on FUPT60’s blog, The Huddle, to write about the voice I have been given through my title, how I use this responsibility to be a positive leader, and how I promote healthy living in my school.

Here is my blog post on The Huddle!

Whether you are interested in pageantry, football or other activities, being active and fueling your body is so important. I am looking forward to sharing that message with students all over the world this year!

If you believe in something, believe in it all the way!

Blair Wortsmith
Miss Teen International 2014


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