When It Rains, It Pours

We've all heard it, "when it rains it pours!" And recently, I experienced it for myself.

Last Monday, my husband and I, were arguing non-stop, we were driving in the middle of a horrible blizzard. One of our cats ate rat poison and could possibly die, our youngest daughter, Adonai, slipped, face-planted, and hurt her baby tooth. And then, my husband got a call from a friend who was wanting to kill himself!!

It was just a terrible, horrible, no good, very BAD DAY! (Parents will get the reference.)

Have you ever had one of those?

A day where, nothing seems to go right. Where you wouldn't dare ask, "What else could go wrong!?" For fear the sky might fall on you.

That evening, fear was having a "hayday" with me. With Christmas right around the corner, and having to buy presents for all my kids... And now the added Vet bills, plus the bill of having to take Adonai to the dentist (to make sure her tooth's nerves weren't damaged when she fell and face-planted). I was honestly nervous.

Christmas can be so stressful, can I hear an "Amen!?"

So the next morning, I took Adonai to the dentist, everything was okay, thank you Lord!
And when it came time to pay, it was only $100! "Wow, okay, that's pretty amazing "

Then I went to pick up my two cats from the hospital. Both of them had to stay through the night and be treated for rat poison, (even though only one was showing signs of poison). And when it came time to pay, I thought to myself, and prayed "Lord, I don't want to pay more than $200.00." Sure enough, it was $175.00!!!

My husband's suicidal friend was doing better- Alive and well. Sean and I, resolved our differences, we made it home safely, and both of our cat's were saved!

That's incredible!! I don't know how He did it, but God made a way!

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me, where I felt like nothing was going my way, everything was falling apart around me... Then God comes in and rescues me.

Every fear, every worry, every stress, He resolved... Even though I doubted, His grace was sufficient for me. And His grace is sufficient for you! Choose to trust, to believe and have peace, your miracle will come.

I'm your Mrs International reminding you-



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