A Letter to the Class of 2018

“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you CAN go. 

But don’t forget to enjoy the journey. “ – Michael Josephson

I want to take this last opportunity to Congratulate each and every one of you on your individual journey’s to this point. You have all worked so hard in preparation for nationals week, and THAT is an achievement in itself! You all should be very proud. I want to remind you all to enjoy this week at Nationals. Embrace the memories and friendships and let your hard work shine!

I want to personally Thank You for all the support and encouragement throughout my reign as Mrs. International 2017, it means allot to me to have the support of such an elite class of women. Thank You to my Class of 2017, I hope I made you proud and served you well. For those of you in the Mrs. International Class of 2018 that I had the honor sharing the stage and representing this year and all of you representing a regional title, I want to say how genuinely PROUD of you I am for returning and chasing your dreams!

I look forward to the memories we will all make together in Charleston! My last piece of advice I wanted to share with you as you prepare to take the International Pageants 2018 stage, is to be confidently proud of how far you’ve already come and ALL the qualities that make YOU an excellent contestant in the running to be the next… Mrs./Miss/Teen/Pre-Teen International!

Welcome to the International Pageant Family and Sisterhood! I can’t wait to watch each of you SHINE!

Turning Broken Into Brave,

Your Mrs. International 2017

Melissa Pocza


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