The Time is Now

Looking back over the last couple years one of the best decisions I made was to come back to Mrs. International after competing the first year. I was extremely happy to just be a part of the International Pageant system having a great experience and even more grated to have do many passionate new friends. A person I admire and respect told me "Don't wait, the time is now". Sitting on the other end of the phone, I had wondered if taking a year off from the pageant and then coming back would be better. Listening to that little piece of advice changed my life forever when one year later a dream come true.

Many pageant sisters have been asking me the same question of whether or not to take a year off, or maybe a few years, but my encouragement to all of you is the same I received "The time is now".

The realization was there that my underlying mission to love people globally was too important to not wait and keep going while in the right mind set. The greatest obstacle you will face is only yourself. Push a is doubt, fear, the question "Do I even have a chance?" . The best fact about International Pageants is EVERYONE has a chance. Whether or not you have a chance is only something YOU can answer...not anyone else. This pageant is not about where you live, your ethnicity, how much money you make or even how much you spend in the process of competing. It IS about your heart to serve, your confidence, ability to have compassion for others, a deep inner strength, your desire to live healthy and understanding that you represent an entity that has a global presence of integrity and class.

The choice is yours alone, but heartfelt encouragement with my favorite saying "Never Give Up."

Recently when touring the New York Giants one of the quotes they had on the wall stuck with me because it's applicable to all endeavors in our life.

The friendships I have now with my International Pageant sisters are irreplaceable. Meeting up with them everywhere I travel constantly reaffirms the fact I made the right decision to come back along with the thousands of lives changed with Soles4Souls

If anyone has questions or you are in need of encouragement, I'm here. After all, we are family...International Pageants family ♡

Have faith friends in the journey and your purpose. Sometimes , you just need to believe!)

Live What you Love,

Your Mrs. International 2014



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