Miracle Rodeo

During the summer I was honored to be a Grand Marshal at the Arkansas Special Olympics where I lead the teams around the track along side the athletes representing Arkansas at the World Games held in Los Angeles. I high-fived and hugged all of the athletes crossing the finish line and cheered on new friends I made. It was such a magical night during the opening ceremony.

The teams were very excited to be there seeing that they had to work very hard to get to their position. This past weekend the Miracle Rodeo was held to benefit Arkansas Area 8's Special Olympics team and I was very excited to be part of it. On Thursday night the athletes were given the opportunity to ride horses in addition to a hay ride around the arena. I saw some familiar faces and met new people.

On Saturday Night I was so excited to present plaques to United States veterans because I have had a huge family chain of Veterans. My grandfather always taught me to be patriotic and show pride in my country, he had retired from the Army after thirty years of service after receiving several medals including a purple heart. It brought tears to my eyes standing beside a thirteen year-old girl who beautifully sang the National Anthem while the R.O.T.C. members proudly held the flag behind us. It is truly amazing how there are so many ways one can make a difference. 

“Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible.'” -Audrey Hepburn

Jules Fletcher
Miss Teen International 2015


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