Clean Room - Clear Mind

Internationals week is extremely exciting! It’s non-stop, thrilling, inspiring, and fun. You’ll experience a range of emotions in any given moment, but it’s important to stay calm no matter what. It’s easy to get stressed out or overwhelmed. However, a queen knows how to prepare for every situation and keep her emotions in check.

Once arriving at Internationals, it’s game time. From the moment you walk into the hotel, you want to look like Miss International 2017. Everything from the way you dress to the way you speak to everyone (including the hotel staff) needs to exude the style, class, reliability, and poise of our organization. It’s helpful to envision the crown already on your head and carry yourself with the mindset that you are already the Queen.

I highly suggest taking time early on in your arrival to get the room set up. The week will go by quickly and it’s critical to stay organized. Days go by in the blink of an eye and things could easily go askew if you’re not paying attention or being intentional. If you are arriving on the day of orientation, I would suggest scheduling in an hour on that day to set up your room.

I kept all my items in specific areas with labels on them incase anyone needed to grab something quickly for me. Each label was color coded and had the following specifications on them:
  • Full Name
  • State Title & Division
  • Day of Wear
  • Time of Wear
  • Event
  • Accessories Needed
The room was organized perfectly and if things got unorganized, for whatever reason during the day, then I cleaned it up at night. It allowed me to stay calm and have a safe place for me to relax. It’s just like mom always said, “A clean room makes for a clear mind.” You want to be at the top of your game during Internationals week and a clean room will allow you to be one step closer to the job you’re dreaming of!

Redefining Beauty Worldwide,

Amanda Moreno
Miss International 2016


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