My First Pageant Tip Tuesday!

Hello Everyone!

I hope each of you have made it home safely from Jacksonville! I just made it back to Houston today, and although I had an amazing time at the pageant, it is good to be home!

As I was thinking about what tips I would give for my first pageant tip blog, I decided I would write from the heart and give some tips on what to do after the pageant.

1. Rest! We all had a long week at the pageant last week! With the appearances we made around town, long rehearsals, wearing heels, and little sleep, our bodies are tired! It's important to give your body some time to recover from such a fun but intense week! Whether it's actually sleeping or going to get a massage, reward your body!

2. Thank You Notes. So many people have probably donated their money or time to help you get to and through the pageant week. Don't forget to thank them for their kindness! Everyone from family to friends to sponsors would love to hear how your week went and how much you appreciate them!

3. Journal. I have been journaling for 9 years now and after every pageant, I wrote a specific journal entry on what I learned from that pageant experience. Whether I won or lost, there was always something for me to take away from the pageant. As you think about your week in Jacksonville, think about what you can learn to prepare for your next pageant. More importantly, think about what life lessons you learned that you can apply to your every day life.

4. Stay Connected! Some incredible friendships were made last week! Just because the pageant is over doesn't mean you can't keep those friendships going! Thankfully we have social media to keep us connected, but planning some in-person visits are fun too! Road trip anyone?!

5. Platform Work. I must say that one of the things that I loved about last week was learning about everyone's platforms and seeing how passionate they were towards making a difference in their community. The beauty of the International system, is that although the pageant is over, you can still use your state or country title to continue to promote and advocate for your platform. I am friends with so many of you on social media, and I can't wait to see how each of you continue to strive to make a difference!

I am so incredibly proud to be a part of the class of 2015 and know so many strong, passionate, and beautiful ladies! I hope you find these tips helpful as you continue to pursue your passion.

God Bless,

Elise Banks
Miss International 2015


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