
Envision dozens of girls in heels walking across the street carrying lots of heavy bags. The sweat begins to come, but only to cease when they walk into the frigid Times Union Center and the shivers begin. How do you dress for 100 degree weather and chilly buildings at the same time, and how do you accommodate lots of possessions without 6 bags? Don’t be scared, TitleWear is here to help!

This fabulous sponsor of ours has the cutest apparel featuring the International Pageants Crown and Roses logo. You can even custom engrave your gear with your name and title!

Here are some pieces I highly recommend checking out for use at rehearsals and more:

Both the hoodie and fitness jacket are a perfect choice for a comfortable and stylish way to warm up. These are a must in every queen’s rehearsal bag!

Speaking of rehearsal bags… Having the all-purpose tote bag or pull-through travel bag would be very convenient for any contestant that wants her belongings to be organized and easy to carry. I have traveled all over the country with these bags and will definitely be bringing them to Jax!

Be sure to head to www.titlewear.com to purchase these products and more!

If you believe in something, believe in it all the way!

Blair Wortsmith
Miss Teen International 2014


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